Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF) Walk-in-progress
[Gill Director's Note - First Breath]
Come and see Director Ahn Jae-hoon and YouTuber Duck Yang-so
reveal the process of turning "Gill" (based on the original work by Goo Byung-mo)
into an animated movie.
In Gill Director's Note - First Breath, visitors can see the production process of the
animation and a 3-minute highlight video of Gill for the first time. It will be an
opportunity to learn how the original novel was made into an animation, how
animated movies for theaters are produced, and how the production of the
animation differs from the studio's previous works.
Additionally, 'Director Ahn Jae-hoon: Gill Special Exhibition,' is scheduled to start
on the 20th of this month and will take place alongside the Walk-in-progress event.
※ Event Schedule ※
Date: Sunday, October 22nd, 11:00 a.m.
Location: Bucheon Korea Manhwa Museum, 1st Floor
Address: 1, Gilju-ro, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do