

NAMU Animation Welcomes Director Hyeong Seul-woo and Actress Mi So-yoon

NAMU 2024.01.12 15:32 Views 222
Independent film director and actor Hyeong Seul-woo, alongside actress 
Mi So-yoon, visited NAMU Animation on January 12, 2024.

It marked a valuable occasion to exchange stories and insights about live-action 
and animation production with Director Hyeong Seul-woo, known for his films 
'Byeong Gu' and 'Byeok'. Discussions centered around the prospect of adapting 
Director Hyeong Seul-woo's screenplay into an animation.

Actress Mi So-yoon, who has a strong interest in animation, was committed to 
joining NAMU Animation's upcoming project as a voice actor. She brings prior 
experience from her dubbing work on 'Buckwheat Flowers, Lucky Days, and 
Spring Spring' and 'Dream of a Precious Day' with Studio Meditation with 
a Pencil's director Ahn Jae-huun.
